The Only One Who Can Save You Is You
There are so many forces that shape our lives, from genetic inheritance to emotional responses, the environment, chance, roads taken and those bypassed. Yet there is one constant in all of it…You. Yes, you’re ‘It!’ It is for this reason that, when the going gets tough, the only one who can save you is you.
So, when in distress, review your journey through life up to the present moment of concern. Find the recurrent situations and themes that have brought you to your present state. Have you been here before? Is this a ‘play it again’ moment? How did you manage the situation before, and
was it effective? What if you were to handle the situation entirely different; since your old solutions are probably as ineffective in the present as they were in the past.
Life demands newness. Life has just offered you a chance to change.
Change, movement and creativity are some of the keys to Life.
Check out Dr. Brenner’s new website,
Self-awareness is more important than you may realize.
Register and explore the process of MyActuality to learn more the inherent patterns of emotion and thought that influence so many factors of your life.