The collection of videos and links to videos on this page are a combination of SDCRI’s own videos from our members and practitioners, and videos shared with permission from other sites.
Please enjoy!

Videos from our Members & Practitioners
Special Talks
Videos on Integrative Modalities
Inspirational Videos

Dr. Paul Brenner, M.D., Ph.D.

The Dr. Brenner video talks playlist!

A Conversation About Cancer” PBS Broadcast with Dr. Paul Brenner Ph.D.

Empowerment in Cancer” with Dr. Paul Brenner, M.D.,Ph.D.

Dr. Paul Brenner‘s Blog: “Psychology as Medicine

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Dr. Daniel Vicario, M.D.

Integrative Oncology Presentation” for the UC San Diego Center for Integrative Medicine, with Dr. Daniel Vicario, M.D., 2011.drvintonc1

Personalized and Customized Therapies and Approaches” with Dr. Daniel Vicario, M.D.

Hope and Cancer, Part 1” with Dr. Daniel Vicario, M.D., October 2008.

Hope and Cancer, Part 2” with Dr. Daniel Vicario, M.D., October 2008.

Integrative Oncology presentation by Dr. Daniel Vicario, M.D., at UCSD on November 10, 2015.
Organized by UCSD Center of Excellence for Research and Training in Integrative Health (CERTIH) and Holistic Integrative Medicine (HI-Med) UCSD Medical Students.

Metastatic Breast Cancer Symposium- Helping Me Help Myself A talk given by Dr. Daniel Vicario, MD, ABIHM, at the Susan Komen Breast Cancer Symposium in Long Beach, April 8th, 2017.

Integrative Oncology talk to Naturopathic Doctors – Institute for Natural Medicine Zoom Seminar. November 6, 2021
Click here to see the slides from the slideshow.

Ask Me Anything with Dr. Dan Vicario, MD
In this YouTube video, you will see a wonderful interview with our own Dr. Daniel Vicario, hosted by the founder of Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI), Dr. Shamini Jain, Ph.D..
“While employing the diagnostic tools and treatments often found in Western Medicine, Dr. Vicario has pioneered integrating complementary healing modalities to help put his patients in the best possible space to receive treatment and meet the challenges treatment brings. Join us to ask questions and gain insights to help improve your client’s ability to heal or your own healing journey.”

Comprehensive Cancer Care: Integrative Oncology with Medical Oncologist Daniel Vicario, co-founder of the San Diego Cancer Center, talks about his pioneering research in integrating Western medicine with ancient healing techniques as he develops comprehensive treatment plans for his patients. In this conversation with Paul J. Mills of UC San Diego, Dr. Vicario gives examples of treatments that have led to a decrease in symptoms, fewer doctor visits, and a higher quality of life for those who are responsive to holistic cancer care.

Integrative Oncology: A  presentation on the benefits of Integrative Oncology, given by Dr. Daniel Vicario.

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Dr. Paul Brenner and Dr. Daniel Vicario

Caretaker and Caregiver Support” with Dr. Paul Brenner, M.D., Ph.D. and Dr. Daniel Vicario.

How To Deal With Challenging News When Advanced Cancer Occurs” with Dr. Paul Brenner and Dr. Dan Vicario.

Epigenetics” with Paul Brenner, M.D., Ph.D., and Dr. Daniel Vicario, M.D.

Dealing with Feelings of Helplessness” with Paul Brenner, M.D., Ph.D. and Dr. Daniel Vicario, M.D.

Integrative Medicine in Cancer Care” with Dr. Daniel Vicario and Dr. Paul Brenner.

Coping with Helplessness and Overwhelm in the Medical Profession, with Dr. Daniel Vicario and Dr. Paul Brenner.

Personalized and Individualized Therapies and Approaches, Part 1, with Dr. Daniel Vicario and Dr. Paul Brenner.

Personalized and Individualized Therapies and Approaches, Part 2, with Dr. Daniel Vicario and Dr. Paul Brenner.

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Alessandra Colfi, Ph.D.


From Empathy to Resilience Part 1” with SDCRI Expressive Art Therapist, Alessandra Colfi.

From Empathy to Resilience Part 2” with SDCRI Expressive Art Therapist, Alessandra Colfi.

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Integrative Medical Panel


Dr. Dan Vicario: 5th Panelist – Oncology – Integrative Medical Discussion Group, May 20, 2011

Dr. Paul Brenner: 2nd Panelist – Oncology – Integrative Medical Discussion Group, May 20, 2011

Kim Taylor, L.Ac.: 3rd Panelist – Oncology – Integrative Medical Discussion Group, May 20, 2011

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Special Talks

Gregg Braden Invitational – CHI The Energy that Heals –  This is a recent Zoom conversation regarding CHI Initiative’s upcoming documentary “The Energy that Heals”, and CHI’s “amazing ability to bring together diverse practitioners, thinkers, and actors with the goal of empowering individuals, societies, and humanity to build healthier societies and sustainable stewardship of our planet.”
Dr. Vicarios’s interaction starts at around minute 38. The documentary “The Energy that Heals” is under production. This is the link to CHI’s website with a recent Webinar that explains this exciting documentary project:

What is healing?” – Dr. Shamini Jain on TEDxOrangeCoast, September 2014
Dr. Shamini Jain is a psychologist, scientist, and social entrepreneur. Dr. Jain is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at UC San Diego, where she is also Chair of the Center for Integrative Medicine’s Research Committee. She is also the Founder and Director of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative, a collaborative effort that links scientists, practitioners, entrepreneurs and educators to facilitate healing through an understanding of consciousness and consciousness-based practices.

“Introducción a la Oncología Integrativa. MACMA y 3 a 5 cáncer de mama”, con Daniel Vicario, M.D., ABIHM
On September 17, 2021, Dr. Vicario gave a zoom talk on Integrative Oncology in Spanish to a large group of women with Breast Cancer from Argentina and other Latin American countries.

You can see the slides from that talk here: Introducción a la Oncología Integrativa

Dr. Shamini Jain – Healing Ourselves: Biofield Science & The Future of Health – December 2022.
A podcast conversation with Dr. Shamini to discuss her new book Healing Ourselves: Biofield Science and The Future of Health. She is bridging the gap between medicine and spirituality with peer-reviewed science and paving the way for a more conscious, compassionate path to healing.

How Trauma and Resilience Cross Generations” – by Rachel Yehuda on SoundCloud audio files, July 2015.
Genetics describes DNA sequencing, but epigenetics sees that genes can be turned on and off and expressed differently through changes in environment and behavior. Rachel Yehuda is a pioneer in understanding how the effects of stress and trauma can be transmitted biologically, beyond cataclysmic events, to the next generation.

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Integrative Modalities

The collection of videos below are How-Tos, explanations, and educational info on various modalities. Most are contributed by practicians and instructors who have worked with SDCRI in the past.


Art/Dance Therapy:

From Empathy to Resilience Part 1” with SDCRI Expressive Art Therapist, Alessandra Colfi.

From Empathy to Resilience Part 2” with SDCRI Expressive Art Therapist, Alessandra Colfi.

Our Healing Journey – Expressive Art Therapy Grateful and honored to share the exhibition ‘Our Healing Journey’ at Front Porch Gallery in Carlsbad, CA, featuring artwork made by cancer patients in Dr. Alessandra Colfi’s Expressive Arts program, which started in 2009 at the San Diego Cancer Research Institute.


1 Hr Chair Yoga Class for Osteoarthritis Relief with Justine Shelton, especially good for easing pain and detoxing joints for all ages, not just for those with older bones.

Check out a lot more yoga videos at


Reiki/Energy Healing:
An Introduction to Reiki with Mary Hollander

The Art of Soul Dialoguing with Blanca Noel


Mindfulness – An introduction with Jon Kabat-Zinn

Mindfulness – On Our Mind

Jon Kabat Zinn – Me Me Me

Guided Meditations – Audio clips from Everyday Mind
What Do We Really Know About Meditation and Health? Dr. Rick Hecht looks at the effects of meditation on health and behavior.


Benefits of Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine with Kim Taylor, LAc

Overview of Acupuncture with Yi Chan, LAcDPM


What is Oncology Massage? A brief description of oncology massage by Jacki Sellers, owner of Orange County Oncology Massage.

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Inspirational Videos

Gratitude Revealed is a remarkable cinematic documentary that has been forty years in the making. The film is a transformational cinematic experience aimed at teaching us how to lead a more meaningful life filled with gratitude. Through intimate interviews with everyday people, thought leaders, and personalities, Schwartzberg shows how gratitude is a proven path to overcoming the disconnection we often feel in our lives. Gratitude can help us reconnect with ourselves, our planet, and each other.


To our Readers,

We would like to share some exciting projects that our nonprofit partner, The Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI) is creating. Two important ones in the works are:

  1. A documentary-in-production: “The Energy that Heals”
  2. A comprehensive Learning Center

SDCRI and CHI have been collaborating for many years. Our SDCRI had the privilege of helping incubate CHI from its inception a decade ago. It remained under SDCRI’s umbrella until a few years ago when CHI established its own nonprofit 501 (c) 3 status.

The documentary “The Energy that Heals” is under production and will take another year or so until its release.
We enclose the link to CHI’s website with a recent Webinar that explains this exciting documentary project: 

When you have a chance, you can also explore CHI’s website which has excellent resources and detailed information about this cutting-edge nonprofit and the extensive work it is doing, in collaboration with several institutions and devoted scientists, physicians, practitioners of the many healing arts and healers. 

Please share with those you believe may benefit from this information or who may be interested in the topic.
With much gratitude and best wishes,


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