#1 Epigenetics – Originally posted April 3, 2013

Julie/ March 11, 2024/ Paul Brenner, MD, PhD

The field of Epigenetics potentially offers individuals medical and non-medical therapies for the treatment and prevention of illnesses.  Epigenetics is the study of those environmental forces that affect the expression of genes.   This new field of science can empower individuals to become actively involved in their own healthcare by learning how to control the mind’s negative emotional patterns.  The mind’s gift is creation; its curse is self-destruction.

Therefore, in learning skills to observe and change our thoughts, our beliefs and familial, psychological patterns, we have the potential to alter our inherited biology. This might account for the remarkable, spontaneous remissions that anecdotally appear in medical  journals.

How our mental state interacts with our immune system can contributes either to our health or illness.  This understanding empowers us to reshape our lives.  We have the ability to effectively participate in healing our past and preparing for a healthier future.

(Find out more about Epigenetics and Dr. Brenner’s exploration of the subject through this video collection:)