Musings, Part 2: February
Dr. Paul Brenner has been posting words of wisdom on his Facebook page. We have collected these Brenner-isms to inspire you in the New Year.
Trying to get it right gets it wrong.
The greatest gift in life is life itself.
As soon as we see anything else in life as other than ourselves we become separated from life.
Life is a shared creation. Everything exists in relationship.
Who we are is far more important than what we do.
Who is our commonality. Our doing is our separation.
Illness can be a friend. It is a time to search within and ask, “Why now?”
Chronic illness may be asking for transformation.
Health does not mean freedom from illness. Health is the understanding and acceptance of the life process.
Stress can shift balanced health to dis-health.
What are you getting out of illness that is not obtainable in health?
Psychology is the future of Preventative Medicine.
If I’m not you, who am I?
Replace discomforting tapes of emotional pain and suffering by rekindling those innate tapes of contentment and gratitude.
llness is not the enemy. Illness is a call for movement, transformation.
If I were alone long enough, I would create you as my best friend. You are my mirror of my disowned self. I can only find me through you. You are part of my wholeness.
We are no more than particles within a conscious organism.
Any belief that demeans another life form demeans self.