Musings in the Merry, Merry Month of June

Mary H/ May 31, 2016/ Paul Brenner, MD, PhD

What quiets your soul? Where within you is peace? How can we justify killing in the name of God? Can you love yourself as clearly as you love others? What is more important to you, “who” you are or “what” you do or is there no difference? There is no correct answer! Know thyself without judgment or comparison. Can fear

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Musings in the Month of May

Mary H/ May 2, 2016/ Paul Brenner, MD, PhD

If Life itself is the ultimate gift, do we understand life by dissecting it or by living it? If you are born without generational bias, would you create your own? If the need for more is inborn, will you ever have enough? When is your more, less? If Self- love is lost when we are compared or compare ourselves to

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Musings, the 4th: April

Mary H/ April 1, 2016/ Paul Brenner, MD, PhD

The Epigenetic Phenomenon is the scientific proof that environmental factors such as diet, radiation and the emotional experiences of prior generations can effect the expression of genes and the biochemistry of the brain. Psychology is the future of Preventative Medicine. The result of the earliest human experiences of epigenetics led to fears of difference and over millennia gave birth to

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The Heart Way

Mary H/ March 8, 2016/ Paul Brenner, MD, PhD

Dr. Brenner would like to share this beautiful video about acceptance of death. This video was created by Dr. Brenner’s grandson, Jaime, as part of the What’s Your Story Project. If you enjoy the video, please leave feedback on the WYS YouTube Page!

Musings 3: March

Mary H/ March 2, 2016/ Paul Brenner, MD, PhD

Epigentics, the study of those environmental forces and trans-generational experiences that effect the expression of genes without effecting gene sequencing, has shown that generation after generation has been born with racism and prejudice.  Born of color into an environment that is reticent to support your birth rights can only lead to suppression and hardships.  The long term impact of Epigenetic

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Musings, Part 2: February

Mary H/ February 2, 2016/ Paul Brenner, MD, PhD

Dr. Paul Brenner has been posting words of wisdom on his Facebook page. We have collected these Brenner-isms to inspire you in the New Year.    Trying to get it right gets it wrong.  The greatest gift in life is life itself.  As soon as we see anything else in life as other than ourselves we become

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Musings: January

Mary H/ December 31, 2015/ Paul Brenner, MD, PhD

Dr. Paul Brenner has been posting words of wisdom on his Facebook page. We have collected these Brenner-isms to inspire you in the New Year.       Pure love for others comes from the overflow of love for self and so asks for nothing in return. Such love leads to no-self. You cannot give another what is not within

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Mary H/ July 13, 2015/ Paul Brenner, MD, PhD

Dr. Brenner is hard at work with several projects (especially the one called Life) and will return to blogging soon. In the meantime, we are revisiting his post from November of 2013: “SAVE OUR YOUNG” with the addition of a flyer and a link of related projects in which SDCRI is been involved. SDCRI, through its Hope Made Visible project,

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